The Process of Reblocking

“Reblocking” or Restumping is the process we use to replace the original (usually timber) stumps which support the majority of weatherboard homes, the internal walls and floors of brick veneer homes, and the floors of solid brick residences. This process involves the resetting of levels, the degree of which is determined following consultation with client.
“Underpinning” is the process we use to reinstate support to buildings that have suffered structural distress from the failure of the existing foundations. This failure can occur as a result of many external influences, but the most common are shrinkage of the clay foundation soils due to drying effect of trees, droughts, change of drainage patterns, etc., or softening of the foundation soils due to blocked or broken drains, which in some cases can be the subject of insurance claims.
Jacking and Packing “Jacking and Packing” is the process we use to reset levels of internal walls and floors which happens typically in brick veneer homes as a result of clay and timber shrinkage following construction. This usually becomes evident several years after the construction is completed. Our process incorporates the use of a commercial quality plastic packing system which is the method approved by the current Australian Building Code
member of Master Builders, HIA, and Registered Builders